Buffalo Brews Podcast
All things brewing around Buffalo, Western New York, New York State, and beyond. We talk craft beer, wine, history, places to go, things to do and much more. Appreciate new experiences and explore the many facets of life has to offer with us… at the Buffalo Brews Podcast.
Buffalo Brews Podcast
BUF - MCO - FFB (Florida Food and Brews) ft. Southern Tier Brewing Company
January was a start to the new year and chance to get away. We started with an escape to Orlando to take in some Florida eats and brews from around the state. Jason and Bri talk about the perils of the TSA. Recaps of visits to First Watch, Rock & Brews, and Cask & Larder. Get ready for the Podcast of the Caribbean 2: Podcast Goes to Hell. Featuring Platter's Chocolate Peppermint Stout from Southern Tier Brewing Company.
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You think I'd ever beat 38.38?
You're kind of chunky. How dare you! That's all right.
We're going to work hard.
Jason and Sabrina here saying hi, hello. Hello. We hope that you've all been doing well through the snow and the wind and the cold and then it gets warmer and then it rains and then it snows on top of it.
Watch Rinse Repeat. I don't know. I was in sunny Orlando.
Hey, a couple of things before we get going here. We wanted to acknowledge a friend of the podcast that is making a transition. And if you are a longtime listener or you in the past downloaded our library and you remember an interview that we did with One-Eyed Cat back in 2022, episode 40 to be exact.
So if that's the one that you're looking to listen to or to re-listen to, then that is where we talked to Patrick, Ryan, and Nicole and times have changed at One-Eyed Cat because Patrick has since moved on. Ryan is still there with everything that is Pork Belly's Barbecue that you enjoy when you go there. And Nicole has since moved on and has become the bar manager at Central Park Grill.
They're on 2519 Main Street in Buffalo. So you got to make sure you go down and check her out. So what's going on new is because One-Eyed Cat Brewing has become One-Eyed Cat Craft House.
They're no longer brewing and that's okay because they've converted to a craft brew house that is focusing on local and regional taps as well as your favorite local spirits. And recently they are featuring great beers from ones that we like, Strange Bird and Myers Creek and Stoneyard and other half. So stop in for trivia nights, food's still there from Pork Belly's Barbecue and we're excited to be able to have brewed beer with them in the past.
I think that was a fun time. And then we learned a lot in that process, but we're excited to see what is in the future for One-Eyed Cat Craft House. How's that sound?
Sure. I like when our friends are, you know, moving on to new things and greater things. And what are we drinking?
Speaking of great things, we're talking about. Well, what we drank. What we drank was, went down a little fast and a little smooth, Ellicottville Brewing Company and their chocolate peppermint bark that was featured, they featured the peppermint bark from Platter's Chocolate, which is in North Tonawanda.
So it's a nice, easy 7% for a stout, dark, delicious with refreshing peppermint. That's all you need to know. But this was really good to drink.
Tastes like dessert after dinner. Yeah, that was really, this was really nice. So if you get an opportunity to go down to Ellicottville Brewing Company, they got some great selections on hand right now.
And I feel like I'm going to need the cough button here in about two seconds for whatever reason.
It's because we're not drinking a beer while we're doing this.
That's right. So, yeah, we're in our, we're in the, what would you call it? The workout era of our lives right now.
I know. So we're doing a little cut back. We didn't do, I mean, we didn't do a dry January.
It was kind of, it was a damp January.
You can't even say that. We literally vacationed for a good portion of January, which we ate and drank.
That's true. That's true. But, you know, so to finish up Ellicottville, if you get down there, what's really good this time of year, they've got the Chili Willie IPA.
That's their cold brew, Eldorado Mosaic hops. Obviously we just talked about the Platters Peppermint Bark. They also have a Hazelnut Porter.
They have the Blackberry, Black Raspberry Blonde, and then they're still carrying quite a few things down there. So, I mean, you're not going to go without, and we just saw yesterday Blueberry Maple Pancake and the Barrel Aged Blueberry Maple Pancake. So those are definitely ones to check out.
So yeah, as Sabrina told you, we are going to be talking about Orlando, also known as the MCO to the Flying Connoisseurs that we are and aspiring to be, I guess. So we recently took a trip to Orlando, which would then take us out to the Caribbean. The Caribbean you don't get to hear about today, but we're going to share with you our time in Orlando because we took a couple extra days to go down there.
Why? Because it was crazy expensive to fly down a day later.
And we were hesitant about the weather because let's face it, the worst thing that could ever happen is you're scheduled to go down the day before the cruise. Snowstorm stops your plane from going anywhere. And now you're not boarding a cruise ship.
So I'd rather go in time.
I remember they had to actually plow snow before they pulled our plane out.
Oh my gosh. I've never experienced that. I did fly in January one other time, and they de-iced, which I was never sitting by a window to be able to see how that happens.
But I had never been where there was snow, where they actually had to plow it. It was just kind of icy, cold, so they still de-iced the plane, but not the shoveling. I was like, what is going to happen?
So we watched that one plane land, and the snow just sprayed everywhere. And I said, how are they stopping this plane from just down the runway and crashing?
I don't know. It was crazy. They pushed snow out just so that they could back us out.
We left like an afternoon flight.
Yeah. Yeah. Like two in the afternoon, was it?
Yeah. Something like that.
It was 22 degrees out at the time. Wind chill was nine. So happy to get out of Buffalo to go to what we thought was going to be sunny and warm Orlando, but we knew all kinds of crazy weather stuff was going to happen there.
But I mean, even before all that fun, the exciting pat down from TSA that I have to endure every time I fly. And the reason is, as I've talked about on the podcast before, I have been an ostomy patient for now 12 years plus. And so when you go through the scanners, they always notice the bump on my lower right abdomen that comes with the appliance.
They think that he's carrying drugs. Right.
You're a drug mule. I don't know. Oh, I saw a bulge.
Well, look a little higher. No, I'm just saying no. But yes.
So I always have to go through the pat down and the guy, he's got to call his supervisor over. Why do we have to take it an extra step? Swab my hands.
I'll lift. I literally lift my shirt up and show you this thing in front of God and everybody. I don't care.
I ain't got no secrets. Yeah. They always swab it.
They always have to. Well, they swab that. They swab my hands every single time.
So the supervisor comes over and he goes, what do you expect me to do? Handle it. Just give him the swab and send him on his way.
So he's like, well, here's a slight bulge right here. Whatever. Oh, my God.
You know what probably happened too? They probably pinpointed you and we didn't even know it, but the guy with the gun was probably sitting right next to us on the plane. You know what I'm talking about?
There's always like, what's that guy called that's on like every plane?
Yeah. Yeah.
The air marshal. So probably they were like, see that guy get on the plane next to him. He's got a bulge.
Wherever you were sitting, sitting like right there, just waiting.
But yeah, we're getting ready to get into our line and my boss was getting ready to go to Florida as well. I wasn't aware that she was leaving town also. So I made it awkward as I should have.
And then we get on the plane to head down. They had to de-ice us as well. I never had been on a plane where they had to like spray the pink stuff all over them, the Pepto Bismol.
Like I said, I always like would close a window. I would never look.
So yeah. Yeah. And then off we were.
So anybody who's going cruising in our case, we went to Orlando and then we boarded in Port Canaveral, Florida, which is one of the main spots for most cruise lines to go to. But we did what was called a fly, snooze and cruise. And for people who don't travel or haven't cruised before and done such a thing, what is a fly, snooze and cruise?
You fly, you snooze in a hotel.
Then when you wake up, they take you on a bus to your cruise.
Ladies and gentlemen, right there. And that's it. You can pick up her book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble.
It's your favorite booksellers. Yeah. So you fly down and then like we said, because the airfare was crazy expensive to fly down on Friday.
Yup. And then we flew down on Thursday.
It's like a $20 difference of staying an extra day compared to the flight. When we did the math. Yeah.
And why not spend $20 more and stay an extra day? And like I said, you never know the weather. So I'd rather be down there.
Right. And this is including having the extra night stay because when you do these packages, they're fairly inexpensive. Well, the hotel I wanted to stay in was already sold out.
Right. Yeah. And most of these hotels, especially in Orlando, run easily $2.70, $2.90 a night when you're looking to do something like that. But for us, I think we got the whole package tied up with a bow for- It was like $300 and something.
Maybe $350 or something like that.
And that was for two nights. Yeah. And the transportation to and from the port, which is 45 minutes away.
And I was kind of pleasantly surprised because we had a great little bar and we had an outstanding restaurant.
So, yeah, that was- So it wasn't my first pick hotel, it was the second pick hotel, but it turned out to be really good.
But we ended up staying at the Holiday Inn at the Orlando Airport. On the top floor. On the top floor.
Yeah. Yeah.
So we're literally right across the highway from the airport itself. Yeah. We get there, we literally hop on the bus and we're there in less than four minutes.
Yeah. It was like around the corner. Yeah.
So, yeah, we got situated. We went downstairs because they had a nice little bar and restaurant downstairs. The idea was to have dinner on site because we didn't want to really run anywhere because the sun was going down soon and we were tired from- Well, yeah.
That was the other thing too.
I mean, besides not knowing where you're going and walking in the dark, which I didn't want to do. Right. We were tired.
It's a lot. Yeah, it was a lot. It's a lot of stress for me.
I hate flying. So it really takes a toll on me, like that, you know, just the anxiety of it all or whatever. So, yeah, I was happy to have a beer.
Right. Oh, and we started off with Orange Blossom Brewing's City Beautiful IPA.
Yeah, which was so exciting that they had like a Florida beer on tap.
And chilled mugs.
That's what they had. Yeah, chilled mugs.
That was fun.
And then the guy like gave me the bill and it was $5 a beer.
Mm-hmm. Yeah. I couldn't even believe it.
We found out that in the state of Florida, the average, would you find out the average price for a beer in Florida was? I don't know. But everywhere we went, it seemed to be between like $5 and $8.
I think it came out to like, you were talking about like $6 is what we found out from talking to people for an average price for a pint.
Yeah, that's what I was feeling like.
And it was like $9 at the airport. That you know, we'll get to that at the very end when we went back to the airport to come home. But yeah, we was able to enjoy there and then had a couple of beers.
And then while we had our second, I think we ended up having a third or what was it?
So we had one.
And we were starving.
So we went to go have some food and we had a second one while we were waiting for dinner. And then I said, sure, bring us a third one, because why not?
Bring us a third pint, why not? And then, yeah, dinner wise, I mean, the presentation was great. There were an award-winning restaurant inside of a hotel.
It was crazy. I had risotto, a mushroom risotto that was absolutely delicious. Like comparatively speaking to a fancy restaurant, they brought me out, which I should have really brought the receipts over if I knew we were doing this because I kept them all.
But I want to say this thing was like $15. And I thought, okay, well, whatever, it'll probably be good. It comes out.
It is so much risotto. You could have shared it with somebody. I was starving.
I ate it all. But the point is, is it was so much. The presentation was gorgeous.
It tasted amazing. And I thought if you got this in New York, like Buffalo, New York, not even the city, Buffalo, New York, you would have paid $45 for this and you would have had maybe half, maybe a third of what they served. It was crazy.
Yeah, it was a really good presentation. The food was good. We had another of the Orange Blossom City Beautifuls.
Yeah. You brought out some extra french fries for me. Yeah.
That was cool. Yeah, four beers and dinner with tip was $78.
That's crazy.
Yeah. So yeah, I'd take that any day.
I know. And everybody talks about how expensive Florida is, but I think it's just real estate. I think when you go down there, it's really not that expensive.
I don't know. At least what we were feeling like when we were just around Orlando.
We got, you know, it was a great place and like I said, their bar setting was really cool. They even had, they even did like light breakfast stuff in the morning as well.
They did a full buffet.
Oh, that's right. They did.
Yeah, they did. We didn't do that though. We didn't even go into the restaurant in the morning, but they had a full breakfast thing and a buffet and we just did like the little walk up, go get a like a bagel and a coffee because we were like, well, let's just go get something and bring it back so we could pack up.
Because of course, you know, in my area, I had strewn everything everywhere because that's just how I roll.
But, yeah, so we were, I was like, well, I have a lot to clean up and Jay was like, me too. Let's just get situated. So we didn't sit down for a big breakfast.
Now hindsight, when I was starving on the ride to the ship, I thought I probably should have had a very filling breakfast that morning.
Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, that being Saturday morning, but Friday we decided we were going to do the old foot tour around the immediate area.
So it was like, what was the area called Lee, like Leeway or something like that was the area there in that area of.
Yeah, I don't know. There was like a whole promenade thing, but anyways, we looked up a really cool breakfast place the night before.
That's a place called First Watch, 535 locations across the U.S. and they opened originally in 1983. First Watch is a nautical reference to the first work shift on a ship. Oh really?
Yeah. I didn't even know that. Yeah.
That's cool.
That's where it came from. So I didn't know. I thought First Watch might've been a police reference.
I thought so too, or military or something like that.
Yep. But yeah, we had a fun breakfast there. The Chickichanga, which was like they did a cage-free egg, spicy chicken breast, chorizo, green chilies.
That was good. Cheddar and Monterey jack cheese. And then onion, avocado, and they put that in a flour tortilla.
And then this Vera Cruz sauce, they put it on the side because it was kind of lemony. A little different.
I'm glad you asked for it on the side because I think you would've smothered that all over it.
I don't think you would've liked it as much. Yeah. They put a shot of sour cream on there and then they had the seasoned potatoes on the side.
Yeah. That lemon sauce, I'm glad I kept it on the side. I wasn't a fan.
I wasn't a fan. And then you had the carne asada hash.
Oh my gosh. So when I first read it, I was like, this is what I'm going to have. And then I got there and I saw other people's plates and I was like, maybe I'll have something different.
And then I was like, no, I'm going to circle back to that. And I was so glad I did. It was incredible.
I wish I could find something that tasted that good around here.
Yeah. And you know what? Maybe if we find a way to make our own carne asada and people, I'm sure, are listening going, it's not that hard, guys.
But we've never tried to make it ourselves. I never had. Crumbled chorizo, thin sliced carne asada, diced red bell pepper and a potato hash, eggs of any style.
I had mine over easy. Over easy. Yeah.
Then the cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese, homemade pico de gallo. And then avocado, radish, cilantro, that jalapeno cream they put on it.
And then they did two tortillas.
So you can make a couple of tacos with it. It was just so good. Did you forget about our holy donuts and bacon to start?
No, we didn't.
Well, they kind of brought everything out. I think it was like the donuts and the bacon and boom, breakfast came right after. We didn't even have a chance to touch anything.
Well, they had to fry the donuts up.
So the holy donuts, cinnamon dusted cake donut holes with chocolate sauce. And then they had that warmed.
I was all about that berry compote thing. Oh, that was so good.
That was really good.
It was like fresh, fresh berries.
Then they did what they called million dollar bacon, which was candied bacon, brown sugar, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and they had a maple syrup drizzle.
I tried a little piece, but Jay attacked that himself. Oh yeah.
Not a huge bacon sausage person. I think anybody would realize, oh yeah, I think he likes bacon.
But yeah, we got to do our little running around. There was a big promenade that was in that area. So we did quite a bit of walking.
We actually went out to the Walgreens because we pick up a few things. We needed water. We needed water.
That was kind of the closest store that you could get stuff from.
And we realized there was a convenience store right across the street from the hotel, but it was cleverly disguised as a liquor store.
I know, but I don't know that they would have had what we were looking for, but whatever. So we got waters and Celsius and some snacks.
Yeah. It was cool. Then we went back out, hit a couple of stores, found some socks because you were desperate for some black socks.
I know.
So you know when you pack black sneakers and you want black low cut socks to go with it because white looks kind of stupid and glowing. And I realize I only have- Hey, I wear black.
Oh no, nevermind.
I realize I only had three pairs of black socks. So my idea was, okay, well, if we're going to run the track or whatever on the ship, I'll just hand wash them or whatever. And then I'm like, you know, I saw Ross.
Let's go see if we can get a pack of socks.
Ross was a security guard too. I know. I was like, are we in a bad neighborhood?
I mean, it didn't seem like it, but I don't know. We spent a little bit of time in there, found some cool, you found some really cool things there. Yeah.
I found a pair of shorts for $5.99, another pair for $6.99, a beach cover up and my pack of socks. Six pack of socks for, I think it was like $6.99. Yeah. I loved it.
I was like, Florida rocks.
Yeah. Then after we did a little shopping, a little running around, hit a couple of plazas, we hit Menchie's. Oh yeah.
Jay was so excited about this ice cream thing.
They used to have one in Niagara Falls and it didn't do so well and they closed it, but I loved it because you go in and imagine going like all these soft serve ice creams in there. So there's a whole wall of them and you can try anything that you want. So everything is sold by the ounce.
So you have the ice cream portion where you dispense your own ice cream, then there's the whole toppings bar. Then they just put it on a scale, you get charged by the ounce. But what's really cool is if you're a military or veteran, they give you a 20% off.
All you gotta do is flash that ID card. I loved going there because I could put crazy stuff on it. So they had this chocolate peanut butter soft serve ice cream and I threw Captain Crunch on it and all kinds of weird things like, it was like a graham cracker, like graham cracker crumbs and all kinds of things I threw on it.
So it's just fun to mix it up.
And I was like, well, I guess we'll go and I'll just sit and watch you eat ice cream because I can't eat ice cream. And they had three different flavors that were lactose free. They had a lactose free or whatever dairy free cake batter, tasted it, it was disgusting.
It was made with almond milk or oat milk or something. It just wasn't good. You want good oat milk ice cream, go to Main Street down in Hancock.
Right, I'm probably spoiled and that's why.
So then they had a mango like, what is that called? Like a dole whip thing and a pineapple one. And so I made a pineapple mango twist and then I did some shredded coconut and one little pineapple tidbit on the top.
That was pretty good. It was good. I liked it a lot.
Yep. Sat outside and took that in. So we ate the dessert first so that we could have the linner or the dunch?
Whatever you want to call it.
What was it called? I don't know. Linner, lunch.
Oh, it's because we were calling it linner. And then Kieran said, oh, we do that all the time and we call it dunch. Dunch.
Yeah. Where you have like, where you have lunch late to be an early dinner, but it's not quite early dinner time. It's like in the middle.
So it's like brunch where you eat breakfast at 11. So we, well, linner or dunch.
Whatever you prefer.
At like three o'clock.
Oh, they're both funny words to say. So we ended up at Rock and Brews. It's a Rock and Brews restaurant.
There's 23 locations in nine states, including several of them right there in Orlando, like Orlando Kissimmee, like right there in central Florida. And they're owned by Gene Simmons and Ace, or not Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley from the band Kiss. So what I found out about how they came around, so that's Dave Ferrano, who is the well-known rock and roll concert promoter for the Stones, Dylan, the Grateful Dead.
He accepted a management position for Winterland, which is this rock emporium in San Francisco. So for four years into that position, he invited his brother to join him to learn the business. After he got there, the Stones were set to appear at Winterland, and then Del had the opportunity to do merchandise around that concert.
So he took a collection of psychedelic shirts, stenciled rolling stones on them, and after selling hundreds of these shirts, they formed Winterland Productions. And then merchandising for the rock and roll business was born. So few people know that, that because of this Winterland, that's how the band t-shirts that you see today, that was the original, was because of this guy.
So a few years later, he's touring with guys like John Denver. He meets Peter Morton from Hard Rock Cafe. They agree that he could provide guitars, rock memorabilia to display in venues, and then Peter would then buy shirts.
Ultimately, some of those turned into millions of shirts, and someday that he would want to own a rock and roll restaurant where he could sell shirts. So say nothing more on that one than you for yourself to 2010. And then he started bringing that passion to a reality with his brother.
Years later, they go to a KISS concert. They end up meeting Gene and Paul, and he's like, yeah, what's better than rock and One thing led to another and Rock and Bruce was born. So we had a fun time there.
We sat at the bar. Yeah. Nice little location.
Had a great conversation. Oh, what was the girl that was helping us there? She finished up with us because she had to go to North Carolina.
You were supposed to put it in your notes. I don't know. I don't know.
You're so funny. Remember when you like text yourself these things or notes.
But I probably didn't text it to myself. So I didn't know to put it in my notes. And then, yeah, so we go to this Rock and Bruce.
What a great place to enjoy beer and food because you go there and they featured so many Florida breweries.
Yeah. That was the cool part.
We only missed out on like two out of their whole menu.
Because they had kicked the keg on one.
That was because with the flight, we were supposed to get that red ale and they ended up giving us the Walking Tree Brewery Oatmeal Stout. And the other ones in that flight was Orange Blossom Pilsner, which I'm sure you've got to have a Disney story.
Yeah. That was the one that I had the first time at Flower and Garden.
That I told you was so good.
Yeah. I remember that from your Instagram takeover when you went to Disney a few years back. Yeah.
Yeah. Funky Buddha's Floridian Hefeweizen, that was on there too.
I was not a fan, but I'm not a Hefeweizen.
You're not a Hefeweizen fan. And then Florida Avenue Brewing's Goat Dog Hazy IPA.
Which I loved.
That was really good. So yeah, we ended up staying there for hours, just trying different beers. Eventually, we ordered food, the Cajun pasta you had.
I had like a... I was on a burger kick because I'm like, once I get on the ship- Oh my God.
All this guy does is eat burgers. Don't even let him kid you.
Hey, burgers, burgers, burgers. But I had the gastro burger that was, it was all right.
Yeah. It was all right. Well, you were going to have that spicy, super hot burger.
Oh yeah. Remember? But then you found out that they didn't have that one sauce anymore.
That was the Alice... It was like, yeah, the Alice Cooper fire in your mouth, whatever burger. But they had stopped carrying the sauce.
Because they said it was too expensive to get it in.
And we were like, because we couldn't even believe it. We're like, wait, Alice Cooper makes a hot sauce? I swear it was Alice Cooper.
It was Alice Cooper.
Yeah. Yeah. It was...
It was like some Reaper burger or something. Are you looking it up?
I'm trying to find it.
I was going to say, I will. But anyways, it was crazy. But when they said they didn't have that spicy sauce, which was kind of like a big part of having this burn your mouth off experience burger that was like, do it, do it, do it.
Then we were like, aw.
If I couldn't get a hold of it, I didn't... That was just kind of unsold.
Well, it was kind of nice that the waitress that we had told you that, yeah, well, we can make this, but it's not going to be exactly the way it was. Right. Yeah.
So that was nice of her. Was her name Brittany?
It could have been. It could have been. Shame on me for not...
I know. I feel like I did write it down on the back of the receipt. Again, the receipts that I have shoved into my...
My purse that's sitting in the living room. Alice Cooper's Poison Burger.
There you go.
Talk to me. Brioche bun, pepper cheese spread, reaper ranch, fresh jalapenos, crispy onion strips, and Alice Cooper's poison hot sauce. So that's what they didn't have anymore was the Alice Cooper's poison hot sauce.
And she said, and honestly, that's the best part of the burger. So without it, she didn't feel like it was like the complete burger. Yep.
So I was over it.
You should get it if you want to get it.
It's so funny because the reviews all say, get a little extra of that hot sauce. Be careful, it has a kick. And everybody talks about the sauce.
So I kind of get it when she's like, we don't... Without the sauce, it's not that great of a burger now.
So, yeah.
Yeah, we were... Some of the beers that we tried while we were there also, because we were there quite a while. We hung out quite a while.
We had Guavacation sour.
Yeah, I liked that a lot.
That was from Ivanhoe Park Brewing Company. That tasted very like vacation. Yep.
Yeah, for sure.
You said like fresh squeezed guava.
Yeah, it was just... Yeah, like, what did I say? See, these are the things I feel like you should have written down.
That's the note I wrote is that you said it tastes like fresh squeezed guava. Yeah, Guavacation. Guavacation.
FMB Brewing, Double Wide Trailer Dippa, which that was all right. It was good. I didn't mind that one.
Yeah. And then there was... I ended up having the Pilsner Urquell, which is from...
And I'm going to butcher the name here. It's a plaza in the Czech Republic. So, it's a brewery that's been around since 1842.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. You drifted away from Florida.
Yeah, just for that one because they had a foreign one that was literally an import beer. Right. That was not made in the US because Czech true...
Because you can have a Czech style Pilsner. It can be made in the US. But a real Czech Pilsner is made in the Czech Republic.
So, that's what this was here. And it was really good. Oh, is that the tall glass?
That was the tall glass. Yeah, that was good. It was very...