Buffalo Brews Podcast
All things brewing around Buffalo, Western New York, New York State, and beyond. We talk craft beer, wine, history, places to go, things to do and much more. Appreciate new experiences and explore the many facets of life has to offer with us… at the Buffalo Brews Podcast.
Buffalo Brews Podcast
Holiday Megasode (2024) ft. Southern Tier Brewing Company and War Horse Brewing Company
In our final episode of 2024, we celebrate Christmas. We touch on fruit cake and figgy pudding (Thoughts?). Vacation v2.0 took us to Hocking Hills, Ohio for some amazing hiking. Have you ever seen liqueur prices in Ohio? We talk about why pricing is the way it is there. We took an evening run to Rochester to enjoy dinner at JoJo's and to pick up our advent box from K2 Brewing. Jason and Bri list their top 3 Christmas movies. We talk about our return to the Deck The Halls event on Seneca Lake. Featuring holiday brews from Shiner, Harpoon, Southern Tier, and War Horse Brewing.
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The Buffalo Brews podcast. It's holiday megasode time. Is that Christmas vacation?
That's so fun.
So this episode will release on Christmas Eve. Oh, how fun. So Merry Christmas to one and all.
Merry Christmas.
And you are listening to the Holiday Megasode 2024 on the Buffalo Brews podcast.
Why are you saying it all suave?
I say. What have we, so we've been into the hops and barley eggnog. And by that we mean beer.
Because it's been a day. Oh yeah, it's been a day. Yeah.
What did we start off with earlier? Shiner's holiday beer?
Shiner, yeah. Oh, and you actually have a Shiner.
I looked out there with my sticky note. That's hilarious, what you squinted to.
Because I wrote down something and put it on a sticky note. Because we drank it earlier.
Yeah, a Texas treat, peaches, pecans, for families, friends, and yourself. And it says to pick up a pack before the elves drink it all. And you had something to say about this beer.
Yeah, so I probably wrote down something like fun that I forgot about. But anyways.
Well, you said it tasted like fruitcake.
I feel like, yeah, why didn't you let me say it?
Because I wanted to, because you always have a nice way of saying things. Like you had something that rolled right off the tongue.
Yeah, well, it did. It tasted like, I said, if they were going for fruitcake, they nailed it. And if they weren't, then I'm sorry, that's what I taste.
Because it was like fruity, which is probably the peaches or whatever. But for me, it was fruity. And then it had like a little bit of spice, right?
So they were doing like the holiday kind of spice. So it really tastes like when you are eating fruitcake, how you have that like fruit forward and then the spice that's left over. And there are so many people that go, ew, I hate fruitcake.
Did you guys ever try it?
Because it's actually really good. I think it gets a bad rap only because it's like a gimmick.
I do too.
It's a gimmicky thing.
And I think there's so many people, especially young people who won't try it because of that. And they're really missing out. I don't know, my dad and I, so my dad and I used to get this like little fruitcake from Wegmans once we moved here.
Wegmans would always do like this little one and we would buy it and we would cut it in half. And yes, just in half. And we would eat.
Biggest granola bar you've ever had in your life.
And we would eat it and it was so much fun and I loved it so much. And yeah, he was my only other partner in eating fruitcake. Neither of my kids ever liked it.
They tried it. They were not fans. I mean, Josh used to pick all the fruit out of the cake.
Right, so he would sit there with his tiny little fingers actually trying to pick out all the like candy fruit that was in there. And he would eat that and then he would just throw the cake. Like kids are so weird.
For lack of trying.
Yeah, but you know, we enjoyed that. Like you said, the comments you made about fruitcake.
I agreed. Once you mentioned it, I was like, oh yeah. Yeah, I guess peaches sometimes had an existence.
I'm sure it did in Florida.
I mean, we had all sorts of fruitcake. Really, you could put kind of whatever kind of candied or dried fruit that you wanted to if you're making it homemade. All right, our next one.
Yeah, we moved over to the. Harpoon. Yep, was that the Winter Warmer?
Yeah. The Holiday Spiced, the Spiced Ale.
So this one tasted more what I thought would be like a Christmas beer.
Right. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, caramel malts, holiday spice, cinnamon, nutmeg, all the stuff that, you know, you could probably drink a hundred Christmas beers and they've all got some similarities too.
Right, for sure. And kudos to you for drinking a hundred Christmas beers. If that was the case.
I don't think I drank a hundred Christmas beers.
So, yeah, right? And then we're getting ready. So we found these cool beer glasses for Christmas.
At Kohl's. At Kohl's. One, we'll have to post these, but one of them is Christmas Vacation.
I just like the music that was in the background. That's my favorite movie. And the other one is from A Christmas Story.
So that's, then we're getting ready to break open the Two Times Christmas Spiced Double Ale from Southern Tier Brewing. All right. Yeah.
I think I brought over the speed opener from- You wanna hold my microphone? I will. So I brought the speed opener that we got on a recent trip to War Horse.
So it's one of those credit card openers that's quite handy. A little ASMR here. Oh, I like that.
Yeah, she pours like a champ, folks. Thank you kindly.
You're welcome. All right.
See you again.
Ooh, this one you can really smell all the spices.
Yeah. Very nice. Cheers.
It's a major award.
I like this one. Oh, your cup is amazing.
Yeah, that's good.
That'll be something nice to start off on this episode with here. Mm-hmm.
That's good. Yeah, that one- I don't know what it says. I feel like, oh, here you go.
I was gonna say, I feel like I can taste a lot of figs and cloves, and here we are.
Got the cloves?
Yeah. Ale brewed with orange peels, ginger root, cardamom, cinnamon, fig paste, and cloves. Okay.
So for me, I'm picking up figs and cloves.
Winner, winner.
Yeah. Nice. Which I love fig, so yeah.
To the listeners, figgy pudding, yes or no?
Oh yeah, we were having this discussion. I wonder if anybody has actually had figgy pudding, and I kind of want to look it up and see what's in it. It's funny, we all heard the song.
Bring us some figgy pudding.
No thanks.
But has anyone actually eaten it? Does anyone ever make it? I feel like I want to.
Yeah, maybe. I don't know. I don't know if it'd be any good.
Maybe not. Is it supposed to be served cold? Is it supposed to be warm?
You know what, I don't know. I'm gonna do a little Google while you move along. Well, we're gonna move along, because to go to the present, we have to go back real quick, because we've had some things that we've had our heels dug into for a while, and we're behind on a few episodes, because life, folks, and we just don't get the opportunity to record as often as we want to or we should, but here we are.
One of the cool things I did find out is that we have put out over 45 episodes of the Buffalo Brews podcast. What did you find on Figgy Pudding here?
Kieran's calling, too. Oh. Figgy Pudding, or Fig Pudding, is any of many medieval Christmas dishes usually sweet or savory cakes, so it's not even a pudding.
Oh, it's a cake, then. It's a cake. Oh, I could probably get down on that.
Maybe I'll stop making fun of it. I like cake. I think you know I like cake.
Yeah, with figs and other dried fruits. Yeah, mix of dried fruits soaked in liquor, warm spices, breadcrumbs, nuts, and sometimes candied citrus. Okay, Figgy Pudding you might actually eat.
It's not just a pudding, as you would think, made of figs.
I got to share some birthday cake, because Mike Radomski from Outside Chronicles and I share a birthday, and then we were at the holiday birds, birds?
Birds, brews, and something?
Birds, boots, and brews. There you go. So the release party, basically, for the Winter Hiking Challenge, which is all out, and we're all in, as usual, so that'll come out for sign-ups this Friday, which will be- After the Facebook Live event.
Yeah, after the Facebook Live, so that'll be on the 20th when that comes out, and then you'll be able to sign up at hike-wny.com to be able to get in on that, but yeah, I had some birthday cake there, but it wasn't fig. Okay. It was carrot?
Yeah, I think it was carrot cake, yeah.
It looked like it.
Yeah, so I bring that up so I can bring up what we got to do before our 2.0 vacation when we were supposed to go to Asheville and Biltmore and Chimney Rock and North Carolina, but that didn't work out, obviously, because of what had happened with Hurricane Helene, so we swerved on that and went to Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio, and- Shorter drive. Yeah, shorter drive, but worth every minute of the drive, worth every single mile that we hiked.
It was super fun. It's gorgeous there.
Yeah. It's, let's see, there were seven main trails that are there.
That we did?
Yeah. Oh, you mean like their main event ones? We did a couple extra ones, but yeah, that's a good way of putting it, their main event trails, but some of the nicest, like, cave trails that you'll see anywhere.
I think we finished up on the Ashe, I almost said no, which, was it called the Ashe Trail that, or the Ashe Cave that we went on? Yeah. Yeah, which was the only natural cave in all of Southern Ohio.
Yes, and then we also did the longest natural bridge- Yes. On another trail- Yes.
Which was really- In the Midwest, which is over 50 feet long.
It's so cool.
It has thousands of years of erosion underneath of it, so it's just this 50 plus foot rock bridge that goes over this space.
And, you know, it's just, you look over and you could fall and hurt yourself really bad.
Yeah. Yeah, there was some cool, some really cool things we did. Some of the caves that we hiked to, some of them were just destination hikes.
We went down behind Hocking Hills State Park Resort, thought we were gonna get killed by about 150 turkey- Turkey vultures.
Yep. You hear all this rustling in the trees and you look up and they're up there, you know, coming out of their roost.
Waking up for the morning. Yeah. All, they're like fanning out their wings to get them all ready and warm to fly.
Yeah, it's about, what did we say, five and a half hours from Buffalo?
Yeah, about that. I would say.
But that was worth, it was worth going down there. Charming little Airbnb. Literally, like, as rural as you can get.
Yeah, it was like a cabin in the woods, but a house cabin kind of thing in the woods. You know, so it was a full house. Two bathrooms, hot tub, upper and lower deck.
Like, it was very, very nice.
It was really nice.
And very affordable because it was November.
Yeah, we did definitely luck out on the price.
So, that was good. Although I would love to go back in the spring towards the beginning of summer, if we could someday, just because they said that was the height of like all the waterfalls and everything like that.
So it'd be interesting to see everything when it's alive and moving.
Right. We only got to see one waterfall and it wasn't even fast flowing of a waterfall. Right.
I think we just got lucky on that one. But the other waterfalls that we should have been able to see, it was pretty dry season there.
And, you know, all the leaves were gone from the trees because obviously it was fall. But it was kind of neat because there were still some pretty leaf changes. I felt like on our drive down, more towards like Southern Ohio.
You know, so, and it was probably because it takes a little longer for them to get cold enough for everything to change in fall.
I would just say about, it's probably about 45 minutes to an hour South East of Columbus.
Yeah, maybe.
Yeah. But beautiful area down there. A lot of small towns.
They're used to the tourism down there. So they, you know, really inviting. We got to take in a few of the breweries down there.
Yeah, which is so funny because we packed like a ton of stuff to like eat and drink and whatever. And we had no idea that we would end up finding breweries, but, you know, leave it to us. We find stuff once we're there and we go out of our way to go to them.
Right. You know, kudos to places like Brewery 33.
Yeah, that place was neat.
That was a fun place. Ale House 1890, which was more of a restaurant and tap room.
So they had.
That was like a cool place though. With our $8 flight.
Yeah, you talk about, yeah, let's talk about alcohol prices in the state of Ohio for a second.
So I'm moving to Ohio guys.
Just kidding.
I'm not, I need a job, which is here, but.
If you've ever gone to Canada up to Ontario and you know that the liquor control board of Ontario controls all the prices in the province. Now the same thing in the state of Ohio, we found out, we didn't know that we were just trying to figure out when going into a, what, a Kroger.
Yeah, because you can buy liquor in the grocery store there.
Why everything was so cheap. And when we asked the question that, and we found out that the state liquor control board for Ohio controls all of the prices for the entire state and the same prices for the same items, no matter where in the state. Right.
So we are finding whiskey from Kentucky because we're what, an hour away from the border from there, maybe, about 45 minutes. Like we're super close to Kentucky, which obviously, you know, that's where all your bourbons coming from and whatever. Those were the cheapest prices I've ever seen in my life.
Yeah, crazy. Buying bottles of well or special reserve.
Like tequila was on par.
Yeah, because it's imported.
Right, there were certain things that were the same as like what we pay here, except for the taxes were still lower there. But yeah, I feel like when it came to whiskey, bourbon, you know, they had a bunch of moonshine, which I'm not a big fan of, but I just noticed how cheap it was. There were certain things, vodka.
Vodka, filthy cheap there, filthy cheap. Which again, I think it's just how far does it have to come when it goes to them, right? So like how we're saying tequila has to be imported to the US and then spread out.
So obviously it's kind of the same price going, but like, you know, when somebody's just driving a truck for an hour, or like when, you know, vodka is just coming from like Texas, you know how far is that to come to Southern Ohio, so.
Right, yeah, we fell in, so we fell in love with Weller Special Reserve.
A couple of those bottles made it home with us. So good. Because that's another thing is you go to buy Weller, you can, it's one bottle per person per visit.
Right. And you don't go out to your car and come back in, it doesn't work like that. No.
Because they won't, that doesn't work.
So if you pay cash, they ask for your license, and if you pay by card, your name is obviously on there, and that's how they do it. So go in there with people and everybody buys a bottle and you're all happy. Or stay there for a while and go every day.
We got our first taste of Travelers, which is the Buffalo Trace Country Star Chris Stapleton collab, which was really good. It is, that's what that is. Buffalo Trace?
Yeah. Yeah, and yeah, it's a collaboration with country music star Chris Stapleton.
Interesting, I had no idea. I just tried it and it was good.
Cool. I don't know who he is, but cool. He's the Tennessee Whiskey guy.
Oh, oh, him. I'm so bad with names.
Great with faces, bad with names.
Yeah, for sure.
I'll be like, do we know that person? Or they'll come over and say hi, and then I'll be like, is that? Oh, it is.
Hey, you. No, I feel like once they start chatting or whatever, then I'm like, oh yeah, now I start to categorize who it is and where and what and when.
Yeah, but it was a really fun time down there and then coming back home. Oh yeah, and we saw our first snowfall. Oh yeah, the last day.
We woke up to snow everywhere falling. It was so pretty. And there was a gigantic windstorm the night before.
Oh jeez, when we hiked. So this property had its own blazed trails. And it was in the welcome book on the end here.
So we're like, yeah, it was raining on and off. And the sun came out and it was shining like bright. Trying to find a space to go and hit this trail.
Because it was only like three miles, right? And it was just. Mile and a half up, mile and a half down.
Yeah, but we were trying to go over the hill and come around the back end of it. And we get up to the top of this hill, just about to the very top of this hill. And as I'm looking off to the west, I notice it's like just jet black.
And I look straight up and realize these are coming right at us. So of course I get on radar.
And I forgot to take video or phone pictures because Jay's like, we need to get down the hill.
So I said, look, it took us 26 minutes to get up here. We need to do this in not 26 minutes. Because when that, it said on the front that there was wind, a lot of wind behind it.
So that front was going to hit. It was going to be gusty winds. I don't want to be in the woods with gusty winds.
So I took lead.
So, and yeah, 26 minutes to get up, nine minutes to get down.
It got cold and windy. That temperature dropped a good 10, 12 degrees. And we were soaked by the time we walked in there.
It was crazy.
But we didn't get the brunt of it. The brunt of it came after we got inside.
Yeah, it did. So, yeah, so anyways, that came through. And then the morning there was just snow everywhere.
And it was really pretty.
Yeah. Yeah, that was so, yeah, we ended up coming back through Cleveland. The Cleveland Browns game was on that night on TV.
Oh yeah, so everybody saw the snow.
And it was that crazy snow. It was like, it was like chasing us.
We brought it back with us. Yeah, for sure.
Stopped through and hit Tricky Tortoise, the old Willoughby Brewing Company. And outside of Cleveland there, east of Cleveland. Great, great place.
Looking forward to going back there again.
Yeah, for sure.
There's some fun food there. Yeah, that was Hocking Hills in a nutshell. But that was a fun, what were we going, five, six days?
Yeah, Saturday to Thursday.
Yeah, tons of hiking. Yeah, we hiked every single day. Yeah, we went to some places that, you know, weren't on the recommended list.
Well, there was a cool little book that was in our cabin slash kind of Airbnb thing. And I was reading everything and that's how I found like the bridge. Oh, the natural bridge.
Yeah, like I was finding all these things and I'm like, I want to go here. I want to see this. I want to see that.
So we changed up our itinerary a little when we found out where these places were to like kind of fit them into the days we already had planned or, you know, we rearranged a little bit here and there, but it was fun.
Yeah, yeah, so we ended up getting back and I think we rotated into another short week, didn't we? We ended up going out.
We came back and had three days of work and then it was Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving weekend. And we ran out to Rochester because we ended up picking up the K2 Advent calendar from K2 Brewing.
And then while we were out there, we hit up JoJo's. Where else did we go out there? Did we hit any of the other breweries out that way?
I feel like we did. Didn't we stop at something else after K2? I can't remember.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, we went to the little plaza that we love.
We went to Preservation Beer and we went to Faircraft Brauhaus.
Because I was looking up Christmas beers and I was trying to find places that were serving something Christmassy. And nobody really was.
No, they weren't. So obviously- Preservation had a good one, but it was a classic one.
Well, obviously K2 had two Christmas beers out, but they were in our pack.
So we were like, okay, well, they're in our Advent calendar pack, so we'll end up having those, so that's cool. And then, so we went to Preservation, had the Christmas beer, and then we went across the street and they had a few different kinds that we were really loving.
They had some fun, fun stuff there. I know you're pulling that up there, but- Yeah, I don't even know if I took a picture of it, but- Maybe. But I mean, jump in real quick on our dinner that we went to, JoJo's.
Because there used to be a JoJo's here in Williamsville. And it was right next to Black and Blue, owned by the same company. But that one, you know, that one eventually didn't succeed and they took that out.
So there's two of them in the Rochester area, one in Webster and one in Fairport, no, Penfield. So we went to the one in Penfield, which has been there, we found out, over 20 years. And beautiful space inside, hugely successful.
If you ever get down that way, great parking situation. You're never gonna be without a parking spot to get there. The food was fantastic.
And the service was second to none because of the discussions that you got into that involved the general manager, right?
Oh yeah, because I wanted to order a Black and Blue, which was always like my drink of choice. And she was like, oh, do you know what's in it? And I was like, no, actually I don't.
And I said, but it's fine if you don't have it. You know, it was just like, I was just kind of reaching to see if there was something that you had that I used to, you know, enjoy. And then she was like, well, I could find out.
And so she asked the manager and the manager actually came out and told me what it was, gave me the recipe on how to make it so that then I could just make it at home. Because I explained that we used to go to, when Black and Blue was right next to JoJo's, we would go to both of them. So we would, you know, if you were at our JoJo's, you could order whatever Black and Blue had on the menu because they were right there.
I pulled up the list from Faircroft Bra House, if that's what you were looking for.
I was, and I think I just found it.
You just found it?
So that's hilarious. So good job, all right.
Funny, well, go ahead because you remember exactly what we had.
You go. You don't remember?
You're always gonna, it might be different, I don't know.
No, I think it's the same thing. Well, I had a full port of the Frostbite, which was a holiday sour.
Yep, cranberry and orange, I remember that.
That was super, super good, I really liked it. And it was super light flavor and it was like, I don't know, they say it's pink lemonade, but I kind of felt like it was more of, just like a kind of a tart cranberry.
Well, I remember it was like lemony, but it reminded me of like sorbet or sherbet or something like that.
Yeah, maybe, yeah, but it was good. And then we also had the- Was it the Petros?
Yep. The Autumn Ale?
The Spiced Autumn Ale, which was really good. So that was copper with off-white foam, aromas of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and ginger, flavors of pumpkin pie, yet no pumpkin. So that was fun.
And then we had, what else did we have?
We had the Olaf.
Oh yeah, the Olaf, Norwegian-style farmhouse ale.
Which you really liked.
Which surprisingly I liked, yeah.
You're not a farmhouse fan.
No, I'm not, and I was surprised. So I think the reason why I liked it though, which we figured out was they do it with Norwegian juniper tips. Oh, that's right.
And I am a huge fan of juniper.
Yeah, you just had some place with juniper, just- When we were just at Flying Bison.
Okay. They did, I don't even remember what it was called. Oh wait, I think I have a picture of that too.
So keep yours up for that.
Okay, so that one that I just had was Juniper White IPA over at Flying Bison. But Starbucks, fun fact on a side bend, made this amazing Christmas drink, like I don't even know, we're talking like seven years back now. And no one liked it apparently.
Even when I ordered it, the guy goes, well, I'll make it for you, but if you hate it, I'll make you something else for free because no one likes it. And I took one sip of it and I was like, this is amazing. And he's like, really?
And I said, yes. And I must have gone back to Starbucks 10 times like before that was, I couldn't find it anymore at a Starbucks. But the same thing, so they did juniper.
So people thought it tasted like a disgusting like Christmas tree coffee. It's the same people who hate West Coast IPAs because they're like, it tastes like a pine tree. I was like, this is so delicious.
So I think it's, you know, I think that the reason why I liked that was the juniper that was in it. Even if it wasn't like a forward taste, I still tasted it. So then it was something I really liked.
I don't think people really realize that there are some beers out there that are really earthy. Yeah. And you know, just because it has this, whatever, piney taste like a West Coast IPA or something like a juniper tipped.
Yeah. You know, it doesn't, I don't know. And there can't be that many people that are that super sensitive to that flavor.
Right. The other one you had was Brick-O-Later.
As a Doppelbach. The Doppelbach, yeah. I like a good Doppelbach.
You might get to have some Doppelbach on Friday.
Yeah, maybe, we'll see. So yeah, but it was fun. It was nice to stop into those places.
We really enjoyed them the last time we were out that way. So it was exciting to have like a good beer choice again.
And popped in there before we headed over to Jojo's, which was like, I don't know, I just missed it so much. I wish it was closer. Feel like I need to move to Rochester area.
That's okay, it makes for a great tree.
Here I am, I'm like, I need to move to Ohio. I need to move to Rochester.
But there's two breweries right there within a mile that we like, Lock 32, is that the name? Maybe. Lock 32.
And the other one is Copperleaf. Oh yeah. We like both of them.
So, and it's, the other cool thing is it's a nice little shopping area. There's some little boutique shops along that stretch too.
Yeah, it's Lock 32.
And if you love Greek food, there's a cute little place here called Olives. Oh yeah, that was fun. Yeah, that was a fun little time to discover that.
And we did quite a bit of walking cause the Erie Canal Trail is like, literally goes right by the brewery.
I think we actually talked about that on a podcast. I feel like you did. The day that we had there because we ended up walking further and finding another brewery we didn't even know was down there, remember?
Yes. It was all the way down. Yeah.
So, adventure.
Yes, love the adventure. You know, you're quite the adventure partner. So it's, what was the term?
We're always looking for this sign off, some kind of a... Sometimes I feel like I should put it out to the people to kind of give us a little feedback on. But the one I got was like going on adventure or something to that effect.
I don't know. It's adventure-o-week. I guess.
I feel like adventure is gonna be the word that ends up in there.
I think it has to be because really that's what we do, right? We travel, we drink, we eat. We say the word a lot.
We do things. Like everything's an adventure.
And really everything, if you combine it all into what would you describe everything that we do is adventure. And then it's just, you know, here's your whole like rolling for what? You're rolling for adventure.
Yeah. Roll for adventure. Yeah.
Roll for adventure. Roll for adventure. Roll the dice, take a chance.
Adventure awaits.
And then just whatever you roll upon is what you do. Do you hike? Do you drink?
Do you eat? Do you travel? Do you, you know, where do you travel to?
What are you gonna do?
We might've tripped on something there. Yeah. Sometimes things just come out of our mouth.
It just happens. It happens. Hey, what was the, before we go on to the, again, the main event, is what's the beer that we really enjoyed from the advent calendar so far?
It's the eggnog one. Yeah, I have it. I put it up on our Instagram page here.
Hold on a second.
Oh yeah. This was so delicious. It was probably my absolute favorite one so far.
Spiced eggnog barrel aged stout that K2 made specifically for the advent calendar box. Yeah.
You can't get it anywhere else. Only if you got that advent calendar.
Nope. Aged in Elijah Craig barrels for over a year with cinnamon and cream. And it was delicious.
That's as simple as a description as you need.
I was kind of upset when it was gone. Because we share all these beers