Buffalo Brews Podcast
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Buffalo Brews Podcast
Camp Winddown, Fall Fun, Cider, Horror Movies ft. Brewery Ommegang
Bri returns and talks about solo hikes during her annual camping trip. A beautiful fall season has given way to the sights, sounds, and smells we love. Add in cider and donuts during a recent tour of local farms. It's Halloween season with means horror films to include the classic, Psycho (1960) and Don't Move (2024). Episode featuring Brewery Ommegang All Hallows Treat.
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The Buffalo Brews podcast. Anyways. Well, then I'll just say we are in the fall season. Yeah, like get rid of all that stuff you just did. It's not cool. Sometimes openings, you know, they bounce stuff off you. Yeah, and that's weird. I don't like it. You don't like that? No. Like you should do some entrance with some spooky Halloween music or something since Halloween's like in two days. Wait, I got one. Not an itchy and scratchy show. Wait, I can bring one in. So we bring something in with a little Halloween music? Yeah, and then you can say like. Like I'm prepared. Yeah. Our man. There you go. See, Halloween in a couple of days. Fall is here. Halloween mere days away. Weather has improved. So hopefully we'll see some kids this year. I hope so. Yeah. I mean, I like them. I see them on their little costumes and they're so excited. You know, they work so hard to get up the stairs. I feel bad that we should be going down the stairs for some of those little ones. Yeah. That are like, why do I have to climb this mountain to get a couple pieces of candy that my parents are going to eat anyway? They'll be like, can't we go back to COVID times when they were just, you know, hucking it down a rope slide? I didn't even give out candy then. I don't think I did. No, we didn't. No? Uh-uh, we just had our light off. We didn't deal with that. I don't, I feel like, I don't know. I think that year I just kind of stayed in and just watched stuff. Because I felt like I could possibly like wear a mask and use gloves. But then I was like, you know what? I just don't even want to deal with that. I did. I bought whatever candy I wanted. And I think, oh my God, I remember. I baked a cake. Oh, okay. Yeah. And I literally ate half of the cake. Okay. And candy. All right. And watched horror movies. And I said, oh, I feel like I'm 12 again. Thank you, COVID. You made me feel 12. Well, hey, you know, we're finally back in the Mount Fortress podcast studio. You've got your bouncy ball, your ball chair finally. I was surprised you're back down here. Yeah, well, I'm trying to figure out what's going on down here. I've kind of had this California refugee thing going on here right now. So I'm going to figure this out. I mean, really, if we had a zombie apocalypse, except for the lack of food down here, I don't think we'd die. No. I mean, we can protect ourselves. Yeah. We have access to water as long as it stays running. And then, you know, I should be one of those doomsdayers. Oh, God, no. Stop right there. Change the subject. What's that show we're watching, Outlasted? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Outcast, Outlasted. No. Hold on. It's on Netflix, guys. Yeah. Yeah. We're watching season two of this show where these, like, individual, like, I don't know, they're outdoors people that just specialize in, like, survival. Well, some of them are. Outlasted. Outlasted. Okay. Oh, yeah, because duh, they're supposed to outlast, like, to be the last ones still standing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's been fun to watch. The first season was quite interesting. Cheaters never prosper. I mean, I like a little trash TV, obviously. Right. We've talked about Love Island. So I like to watch a little trash TV, and I like to see competition, too. Yeah. So I don't know. That's all right to watch. I never got into that survivor thing, though. No. That has been on for, like, season after season. It's like 30-something seasons. Speaking of trash TV. I don't think I ever watched it. I never did. Like, I watched, like, the Amazing Race once or twice. I saw the commercials, and I was like, nah. But that was it. I never got into those shows. All right. Well, we're drinking here. I know it's easy for me to say. We're drinking All Hollows Treat from Amagang Brewing. That's out at Cooperstown, New York. 7.6 ABV, 18 IBUs. This is one of their fall seasonals for their Halloween time. It is an imperial chocolate peanut butter stout. So sweet and spooky, as they bill it on their website. The perfect Halloween night. Let's see here. Rekindles the favorite childhood memories with aromas of flavors of dark chocolate, creamy peanut butter. Soft vanilla finish. Yeah. I'm reading the can. It says the same thing. Smooth body and medium mouth feel. Perfect throwback to what brings you to your first bite of the chocolate peanut butter cup. Because Reese's is where it's at. So, funny story. While he's pouring, we were at Walmart to figure out what kind of candy we're going to give out to the kids. And I said, well, you better pick out something that you're going to like. Because if we don't have a ton of kids, then guess what happens? The candy is in your house. Right. Which is kind of what I never understood. Why did you ever trick or treat and end up with gross candy? Does that mean that person ate that gross candy? Or did they just throw it out afterwards? I think they cheaped out. You know what I mean? I always, well, sometimes I did things like ring pops. I'm not going to have a ring pop. But, you know, like, whatever. If it's towards the end of the night and people are sparse, suddenly they're getting two ring pops, you know? Or whatever. I don't know. I took them to work one time and we were all wearing them. Cheers. Cheers. Well, all right. I taste the peanut butter cuppy. Well, that's yummy. Mm-hmm. Size hops, two row flaked oats and chocolate malt in the fermentables or the yeasts and grains there. Yeah. I like it. It's not overpowering. No. It's really light and it kind of lingers a little bit to give you, like, that really good aftertaste. I love when a beer does that. Definitely reminds me of Halloween candy. Mm-hmm. For sure. Favorite Halloween candy? Probably Reese's Pieces. Yeah? Yeah. I'm a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup guy. I know. But I think you know that. Yeah. I mean, we both really like peanut butter a lot, but I think I have to go with Reese's Pieces. Mm-hmm. Which is so funny because my kids hate them. And so, anytime they got them, I would just like, yes! My sister and brother hated them. Every time they got them, I got them all. So, it was cool. Also, I'm a big fan of, like, Mounds or Almond Joy. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. But I love coconut, so I'll take it with a nut or no nut. Secondary, Three Musketeers for me. Yeah? Yep. Yep. Now, let's see. How about a tertiary candy? Like a Snickers. Something with some nuts. Well, that would be Almond Joy for me. Yeah. Because I like almonds better than I like peanuts and stuff. Mm-hmm. So, you know. Yeah. Least favorite chocolate? Orange. I hate orange chocolate. You do not like orange chocolate. That is right. Oh, it's disgusting. And I hate sponge candy, too. I know. Everybody's going, she's not from Western New York. Surprise. I'm not. Not everybody can like sponge candy. It's so gross. And I've tried it. Like, somebody was like, oh, I know you love dark chocolate. This is like dark chocolate sponge candy. And I tried it, and I still didn't like it. No. It's an acquired taste. Yeah. It really is. So, we're in fall now because we've actually got out to do some fun fall activities. Yeah. But, you know, just to rewind it just a bit. Because I kind of made a mention to people that you were gone for a little while because you did your yearly pilgrimage to Letchworth State Park. And I can say with confidence that your navigation skills have definitely improved tenfold. Yeah. I go for like nine days, and I wish it was longer. But, yeah. We just camp with my girlfriends and a bunch of other people that are in the same loop every year. And it's just fun. We just eat, drink. I hike. A lot of them, well, one of the couples come in from Pennsylvania, so they do a lot of day trips. So, then we kind of all gather at night, which is cool because then I hike in the day. I go for a run. You know, this year the dog came with us. My girlfriend got a dog. So, she came. I took her on two runs. Ironically, her name? Candy. And she did great on the first run. And then I took her on the second run the next day, and she was like, no. Like, if she was a human, she would say, I'm sore, and I don't want to. So, we got all the way out. And then we were coming back, and we had to walk up the hill. And it was so funny because our friends passed us in their car, and they were like, it looked like you were dragging the dog. And I said, well, I kind of was because I didn't want to carry 35 pounds up the hill. Whoops. So, yeah. So, I didn't take her on any more runs. Okay. Well, hey. And I didn't take her hiking because when I hike, you know what happens. I did the crazy thing of, ooh, let me see if this trail, oh, it looks like it'll hook onto this trail, and this trail, and this trail, and this trail. And next thing you know, I'm on my own five-plus-mile adventure. Yeah. You've done great with maps and understanding where you're at. Yeah. Yeah. And when things don't look right, you figure out how to, you know, look for landmarks. And, yeah, you've done great. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're a little proud of yourself. That's okay, though. I'm pretty confident when I'm there because I feel like it's home. So, next year will be our 15th year camping there. That's exciting. And I know because we've actually done a couple of other not-October camps thrown in there over the years. Okay. But it'll be our 15th October camp. So, that's why Letchworth is so awesome to me. Like, everybody has their thing. Our friends and our tribe, they love Allegheny. Sure. Same thing, right? They grew up going there. I didn't really grow up going anywhere around here, but I feel like that's probably my spot. Yeah. Yeah. And speaking of our friends, we get to change up Friendsgiving a little bit here and do something fun and right-feel different. Yep. A little bougie. Yeah. Yeah. So, I made the decision this year to book us an Airbnb on the lake so we could be bougie instead of camping and roughing it and everybody kind of being spread out. We're all going to be in one house all together for three days. I feel like that's a TV show, you know, like Big Brother. Or it could turn into a horror movie. Right. It's going to go one way or the other. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. This is going to be a lot of... I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be a lot of fun. We got some logistics to work out and then I think it'll be a good time. Mm-hmm. Yep. Yeah. And speaking of horror... Horror. Horror. Horror. He always corrects me. Horror. Yeah. And you got your first taste of some really old school stuff. Oh my gosh, guys. Jay made me watch Psycho and let me just tell you, that movie could have stopped. It could have stopped after an hour. It really could. Like a half hour it went on too long. Yeah. Why? I mean, you get to the iconic scene and then it's just da-de-da-de-da for the rest of the movie and it's just... Right. Oh my God, we can't find her. Oh my God, bring in this guy. Oh my God, now he's gone. Oh my God. Like, I don't know. I don't know. That's why the Anne Heche one that they did was much better. I just feel like they had really low budgets back then. You could have made it like shorter, sweeter, and to the point. Yeah. Because up until that point, it was like, you know, she was panicked because she had all this money. Like, I don't know. I could have wrapped this thing up in an hour and 15, hour and 20. Yeah. And I mean, you and I know some stuff about Alfred Hitchcock and the way that he did these types of films. Yeah. So it was easy to figure out how he would get kind of lost in the weeds. Like, was it Shays? One of the smaller Shays theaters downtown is doing Dial M for Murder, which is my favorite Hitchcock movie. So it might be a fun stage production. I don't know. Yeah. Could be. I like The Birds. But again, The Birds is one of those movies that's like, you value it for the horror film that it was. And then you just, I don't know. It's another one of those movies that, like, you kind of got to the thick of it too soon. So then it just kind of tails off at the end. Right. You know what it's about. Right. Birds. Right. That kill people, essentially. That terrorize you. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, we'll see what ends up happening. And then, what was the one? Don't Move? Don't? Yeah, on Netflix. The one on Netflix? Yeah. Now, that was a great film. Okay. That had me watching it like, what is going to happen next? And it wasn't really scary. It was more just like a thriller. But it was like a nonstop thriller. It was a psychotic thriller. It's like only an hour and a half. And for an hour and a half, you're almost going like, oh, my God. Oh, they just jump right into it. Like, yeah. And then we watch a super stupid one afterwards. So I was so disappointed. Yeah. Abandoned. Is that what it was called? Don't watch that movie. But, yeah, Don't Move. On Netflix. Can't Move? Don't? Don't Move. Not going to give away any of the plot, but just 90 solid minutes of- It was really good. I was surprised. Yeah. Because I think that was like a Netflix original, too. Yeah. That was one of their pieces. Yeah. It was good. I like that one. That was fun. I like when you come up with some things. And I like that these streaming channels are coming up with their own content that they're producing, too. So they're really trying to figure out how to cut their teeth on this kind of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you could go to Sci-Fi Channel, or you could go to Hulu's, you know, whatever movies they draw. It's going to be the same for Christmas, too. They've already got the list that all the streaming services and all the Christmas movies are going to be available on all the streaming services. Yeah. Except for here we are. It's Halloween, and we're looking at all the horror movies that we can watch. We don't even care about Christmas. We're like, no, don't get rid of the, oh, wait, no, don't take it away from me. Right. Leaving soon. Come on, man. Just a few more days. I know. I know. Give me a few more days. I wish Halloween would last as long as they make Christmas last. Yeah. Yeah. I think we've covered this one in the past, but it's worth bringing up again. But favorite horror movie franchise? Nightmare on Elm Street. Yeah. Agreed. A hundred percent. And which movie? Number three. Number three. Yeah. I mean, seriously, I would watch all of them, even though three is my favorite. I would watch all of them just over and over and over. I'll even be sometimes flipping channels, and I'll just get sucked into the final 20 minutes. I already know what it is. I already know exactly what they're going to say. But here I am, sucked in, still watching. Yeah. I guess each of them have their own value. I mean, I hate that Halloween is kind of broken into three timelines now. Well, I love Halloween, period. The OG 1970s. I love it. And so me and my kids would watch Halloween, the original, almost every single year after they were done trick-or-treating or whatever. And I know you say this might be crazy because they were too young, but they were not. Because my dad showed me that same film when I was young, because we lived out in the country. So we couldn't trick-or-treat. We went to a couple of our friends' houses. That's what we did. And he would buy us our favorite candy. And we would always watch horror movies. And we would watch something that was calmer, because my sister and brother didn't like them. And then me and my dad would watch it. And my dad told me, when he first started watching, he said, all of this is make-believe. These are just actors dressed up acting. Got that out of the way. So I was never scared. I loved them. I was intrigued. And I loved the way it made your heart pound. I was never scared where I'd go to bed with nightmares or whatever. Because I knew it was just a human, like me, in a costume, reading a script. It was all fake. So I was never scared. I just loved them instead. That's good. So then I kind of grew up a respectful love more than, oh, they're scary movies. I don't like all that gore and whatever. I loved it. And then we watched some super cheesy stuff. Did you talk about your Comic-Con? Oh, I haven't had it. I've got a whole episode that I've written on Comic-Con. So yeah, I haven't even had a chance to. But we can at least give the one piece away, because you finally got to see Sleepaway Cam. Right. That was cool. Yeah. So Phyllisa Rose, who's the star of that movie, that was 1979, I think it was. I don't know. I can look it up real quick. That's funny, because I was one. So I had an opportunity to meet Phyllisa during Nickel City Comic-Con here within the last month. I'll save the reasons that I was there, because there was other people that I met. 1983. Oh, 83. Okay. You're really dating it. Just a wild, goofy movie, and very campy. Not the fact that it is camp, but it was very campy. Yeah, but those movies are so fun to me. Like when we watched Slumber Party Massacre, and just all these crazy things. But it was fun, because Phyllisa, sweetheart, was telling her about how you were going to get to see it soon. And then she even signed a picture for the both of us. It was like, meet me down by the water after the- Right. And then I go, because I'm going to kill you. Right. And then Jay goes, wait. He pauses. He goes, I got to show you something. So yeah, broke out the picture. Yeah, that was awesome. And we took a selfie together, and she actually- The ending face. The facial, on the end of the movie, she posed with that face. And it was fun. She was great to talk to. Yeah, she seemed really fun. And I guess since we're talking about horror. Well, it's almost Halloween. That's why. You can't help it. So I had an opportunity to talk to Tom Morga as well. Tom Morga played Jason Voorhees. He's in Friday the 13th, 5, The New Beginning. So he's the only man in acting history who's ever played Leatherface, Michael Myers, and Jason Voorhees, playing multiple layers of the horror franchise. Which is awesome. And he's a massive Trekkie, which was a great part of the conversation that we had. He's played Vulcans and Klingons and so many different franchises. Plus, he used to be a stuntman too. So that was one of the things I didn't know. I didn't know he was a stuntman. That's cool. So, yeah, I had a conversation with him. But instead of doing a signed photo, because I could have easily just said, here's a picture of me as Jason Voorhees, which you're not going to recognize because of the mask. He recorded a video that, you know, sad that you couldn't meet him yourself. I know. I was so excited. I was like, oh, my God. He said hi to me. He was a nice guy. So, yeah, we've been having a lot of fun this fall. I missed that because I was camping. That's okay. Having fun doing the camping. Yeah. And we've also had an opportunity to get out because this fall has been pretty picture perfect. I mean, you know, we're not getting winds that are blowing all the leaves off the trees in one day. And we've got to take in a lot of color. We got to go out to Rhinestone. I know. I feel like I've fall hiked for the past three weeks. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Because when I was at Letchworth, it really wasn't near peak, but there was all the softwoods were changing. So you still saw a bunch of yellows, just not that huge burst of different colors. But yeah. So I feel like there's lots of fall. Yeah. Rhinestone was really nice. And then we also had an opportunity to get out. And at the recommendation, we're talking with Dan. I was talking with Dan at Tapping Craft at WNY Beer Guy. So he was talking about all these different places where you could get cider donuts. And I love donuts. I got to actually look up the one because I can't remember the first. I keep forgetting the name of the first place that we went to that farm, the family farm. Well, the second one we went to is what called Smith's Orchard. Yeah. Smith's Orchard is the one that's in Lockport Pendleton, like down the street from Starpoint High School. So fun fact. We went there twice. We went there the first, the first weekend we went to the both of the farms to go check them out. Kelsenberg was the other one. Well, I'll talk about this and you could do the other one. So then. Before I forget the name, I just want to put it out there. Oh my gosh. I'm going to drink my beer. So we ended up going twice because hands down their apple cider was for me. The best tasting. Smith's. Yeah. It tastes like literal crushed apples. Like it was just, oh my gosh, it was so good. So that one wasn't too, too far away from where we were going this past weekend. So we ended up going back, stopping in, grabbing another, which they only had a few gallons left. And that was like slim pickings from when we were there before. They couldn't turn them out fast enough. It was crazy. Like the ones we took out of the cooler had already been sprayed down with water and then put into the cooler and they still had water. I know. So we grabbed a gallon of that. And then of course, six more apple cider donuts because we literally got in the car and the door was barely. Come at me, bro. And I'm already handing one with one in my mouth. Donuts is the only time I've ever seen her get out of a car faster than me. I love donuts. I love donuts and French fries. They are life. Yeah. Yeah. Legit. And uh, so that, um, Kellenberg, they had cinnamon, like cinnamon donuts, like cinnamon sugar donuts, which were good. Yeah. Um, but they didn't, but they had gotten hit so hard that, um, that previous week that they didn't have any more of their apple cider donuts. Right. Um, out. Yeah. So, um, I think they said something like in one day they had 3,300 people come, but like that place was insane. It's a big family because we got there and I said, Jay, didn't this just open at 10 o'clock? And we were there at 10, 30, 30, if, if not, maybe five minutes. And the place was already packed. There were so many, it is such a big family thing. Like we didn't obviously buy the band or whatever. I didn't even know how much it was that you could go, but there was like a hayride and you get to pick a pumpkin and you get to go on whatever this swing thing is with these skeleton. I don't know. They had like a whole like kid friendly thing out there, you know, like it was, it was the petting farm. Yeah. Well, everybody could do the whole petting firm kind of thing. So you could like walk through, pet the animals. We kind of just looked at them because, you know, it's fine. I don't want to have a rash more than I already have. When you pet an ant or a rabbit. No, no ranch. I don't want to touch on it. You poor thing. And then, and then Jay goes, Oh, there's nobody over here by this rabbit. Do you want to pet it? And I was like, no, it probably has fangs and it's going to bite me. You know, like the Dracula bunny. What, what was that movie called? That cheesy. I don't know, but I told you it was a book. Yeah. That was when I was a kid. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to look it up right now because Dracula bunny, it, it was, it was Benicula or whatever. Look. Oh, Benicula. Cause he's a bunny. He's a vampire. You guys don't remember these books? No. Yes. I thought it was a cheesy eighties movie or something. No, it was for real. So anyways, there's also like, isn't that on, uh, is there a cheesy eighties movie or was it just on the, whatever you had said it was. What, what's that? What's that guy who makes those? Who? I don't know. There's so many people that make movies. I know. Wes Craven. No, no. It's one of your like weird ones. The super. Yeah. We watch one of Wes Craven's weird ones. Like the super nerdy ones. Note to self. Don't, don't, don't watch shocker. What was that called? Shocker. I think it was shocker. And I was like, this is kind of crazy. Because. I remember why I hadn't watched that again in X many years. Well, yeah, I thought, Oh, it's Wes Craven. It's going to be so cool. Right? No. The guy's a TV repair man. I'll save it for y'all. He's a TV repair man. Who's who goes around just killing everybody. And he gets caught. And he gets sent to the electric chair, but somehow the electric chair, like reanimates him. And the, you know, he's been practicing, which I don't know how he got candles and jumper cables in his jail cell, but I don't know. You know, I'm not here to judge. It's like, isn't it a Mel Brooks movie that has like a, a vampire bunny in it? I don't know. Oh, Mel Brooks. Oh, I don't know. Anyways, who cares? The point is, is I knew this from books. And I was like, no, almost Halloween. God only knows that they strapped on that poor bunny's face. And it was white. So white, red eyes going to eat your face off. Right. Yeah. The only Mel Brooks, Dracula film, Dracula, dead and loving it with Leslie Nielsen. No, I don't think it was like the main thing of the film. I think it was like in one of those kooky films that he did. And like, it was a vampire bunny. Listen, if I find it next time we record, I'm going to bring it up. I think we're going to have to do that. Yeah. But yeah, that's the only one. That's the only Mel Brooks, Dracula movie. I know. Yeah. But anyway, so it was super fun to go to the farms because I don't, I feel like I haven't gone out to one of those since Kieran was like young. And we took a hayride to go apple pick. And yeah, it was fun to just walk through, you know, walk through an orchard for a few minutes, you know, eat donuts, drink cider, drink cider slushies. Yeah. And it was a gorgeous weekend. Beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. It was a fun day. I mean, I think the only thing that, you know, we just kind of struck out at the end and it was just like, I don't know. It was just, you know, mayor brothers. Oh yeah. We drove up to mayor brothers and they were cleaned out. I just, I didn't, I don't understand that one. I don't understand that. You're right in the thick of your season. Yeah. I would think, you know how, like when you have to gear up at work because you're fixing to go on vacation. Right. So like you, you have to like do as much work as you can ahead. Right. You would think they would have like cases of stuff ready, ready for like October. Your big month. It's like, it's like all the stores preparing for like the day after Thanksgiving shopping or like the Christmas season. You know what I mean? Yeah. I don't know. We've done a few other fun things. We got to see our friend Deb in the play. Yes. She had another opera light. Yes. And she still blows me away with that voice. I just can't. The girl was fighting COVID too. With a mask on. And you wouldn't even know. Operetta. Yeah. It was amazing. Yeah. She's so talented. Yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing her tomorrow and, you know, hopefully hugging her without the mask and telling her how good she is. I know. Poor thing. She's still been really tired. I think that's the, that's probably the worst part of getting COVID now. Like it wasn't the way it used to be. It's just your, it just beats you up like to exhaustion. Yeah. Yeah. We took the long trail on, in Sprague Brook with Laura. Gotcha. Yeah. And we got to hike with her. That's where we kind of got our first taste of fall. Well, your first taste of fall. Well, yeah, but that was one of the things where you were like, well, let's go down there to get some of the peak, get some of the sites. And they weren't even completely at peak yet. Nope. But it's so weird because we have such a mix of trees where I, I would love, and maybe you have to go like North country. Maybe you have to go to Vermont, New Hampshire, whatever, but I would love to be able to go to a spot where it's just bursting with colors. Yeah. Instead of like a mixture of like softwoods and hardwoods where you see like some of the trees have no leaves. Some of the trees are just turning, you know what I mean? Oh, it's too cold. It's too warm. I know. I know. And I feel like, I don't know. I feel like I see these pictures of places and I'm like, where is that? And did they make that up? Did they fill in the color? Did they paint that on there? You know, like they took this picture and then they were doctoring the picture or is this real? You know what I mean? And if it's real, I want to go to that. That's right. We got done. We got done at Sprague. We did what? Six, six and a half miles there. Yeah. Nice. Nice little loop. I mean, we went, we went to the big loop trail, you know, cut some corners.